Wednesday, Thursday, January 1, 2 New Year Monday, January 20 Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. Monday, February 17 Presidents Day Monday, March 3 Guam Discovery Day Friday, March 29, Monday, May 1 (Easter Sunday, April 30) Easter Break Monday, May 26 Memorial Day Thursday, June 19 Juneteenth Day Friday, July 4 Independence Day Monday, July 21 Liberation Day Monday, September 1 Labor Day Monday, October 13 Columbus Day Tuesday, November 11 Veterans Day Thursday, Friday, November 27 & 28 Thanksgiving Break Wednesday to Friday, December 24 to December 26 Christmas Break Wednesday to Friday, December 31 to January 2 New Year Additional Notes:The school will be closed if typhoon condition 2 is announced, if the school doesn’t have running water or power, or if it is a concert day.The school may declare extra holidays as necessary through the course of the year, only with prior notice to the parents.All Souls Day and Our Lady of Camarin Day – Early Closing.